Today I went to another beach in Auckland called Orewa. It was a patchy day, cloudy at times and blue at others. I thought I would give the white balance settings on my camera a go to see what differences it would make - for no reason other than experimentation... which I am finding is the best way to see out how everything works.
Plan to go out tomorrow and play some more with the White Balance Settings, but this little test showed me the difference the settings can make. The top three photos were all taken in the space of about 30 secs, and the sun was behind clouds during this time. I think this shows, as in my opinion (and again, I note I am colourblind, so my perception of colours can be different to others), the "Shady" Preset actually created the best pic. This may just be me though, because I tend to like the "warmer" looking pics.
Not the best experiment I know - next time I will use all the White Balance settings - cloudy would have been a good start! Today however, I really just wanted to get in the water!
What is White Balance??
White Balance Preset: Tungsten Light
White Balance Preset: Shady
White Balance Preset: Sunny
White Balance Preset: Auto (the sun was out by now)
Finally, on an unrelated topic, here is a snap of Auckland City I took from the car window (through the glass) on automatic setting on the drive home from the beach (have cropped it to take out light posts and road railings). Actually a very nice city!